How can I add my station in the Radio FM?

To add your radio station to the Radio FM platform, you will need to register yourself with your official Broadcasters email ID
Follow to below steps to Add a station on Radio FM:

  1. Go to
  2. Switch to the Register tab if you are not registered. Fill in the required fields and check I agree to the Radio Broadcaster Indexing Agreement box.
  3. Click on Sign Up.
  4. You'll receive a Verification mail. Verify your email.
  5. Now login to your broadcasters account.
  6. Click on Add/Edit Radio in the Dashboard.
  7. Enter the stream link and click on Check Existence.
  8. Fill in the required Fields and press Add Radio Station.

Your station will be added. It'll take 24 hrs for this to get processed and reflect in the app/website.