Rádio Cidade - 106.3 FM

Radio Information
Genres:Community,Current Affairs,Forró
Location:Santa Fé do Sul, São Paulo Brazil
Short URL of Page:http://rdo.fm/r/5s74k
Frequency:106.3 FM
Type:Internet, FM
Description:Rádio Cidade FM 106.3, was born of the perseverance of its Founding President, Adalberto Vieira Gomes (Betto Gomes). It all started with a dream, which gradually came to fruition. Radiologist with a radio broadcast in Ribeirão Preto, Sertãozinho and Santa Fé do Sul, Betto Gomes returned to his hometown of Santa Fé do Sul in the year of 1988 with the purpose of setting up a new radio in the city.