Radio Slunj FM

Radio Information
Genres:Top 40,Pop
Location:Slunj, Karlovac Croatia
Short URL of Page:
Type:Internet, FM
Description:Radio Slunj, which broadcasts on the 95.2 frequency, started on April 1 with a 24-hour clock. Radio Slunj announced immediately after "Storm" in 1995. At that time he played a historic role in returning and returnees. Due to financial difficulties the radio went out and re-released on 01.11.2005. He broadcasted from 12am to 7pm every day and became obedient among listeners. From April 1, Radio Slunj extends its program for 24 hours. Radio Slunj, which broadcasts on the 95.2 frequency, started on April 1 with a 24-hour clock. Radio Slunj announced immediately after "Storm" in 1995. At that time he played a historic role in returning and returnees. Due to financial difficulties the radio went out and re-released on 01.11.2005. He broadcasted from 12am to 7pm every day and became obedient among listeners. From April 1, Radio Slunj extends its program for 24 hours.