Rádio Criativa 106.7 FM

Radio Information
Genres:Sertanejo Pop,Pagode,Eclectic
Location:Minas Gerais, Minas Gerais Brazil
Short URL of Page:http://rdo.fm/r/mykni
Frequency:106.7 FM
Type:Internet, FM
Description:Rádio Criativa FM entered the air in Martinho Campos-MG on an experimental basis in December 2004 and officially on January 3, 2005 with 300 wats. In April 2007 the power of its transmitters was increased to 1000 wats. Today, Criativa FM covers more than 20 cities with great acceptance throughout the region. The program of Criativa FM is made mainly by the requests of the listeners, it goes from the sertanejo (the most requested) to national and international pop-rock through MPB and other styles, resulting in an eclectic programming that ends up appealing to all ages and classes.