Yon Radyo Etnik

Radio Information
Genres:World Music
Location:Istanbul, Balıkesir Turkey
Short URL of Page:http://rdo.fm/r/9xwy2
Type:Internet, FM
Description:Radio Direction love and to strengthen their sense of camaraderie, free ideas to improve the environment, our society is to introduce all the colors and beauty of bridges between the past and the future publications include helping to establish understanding entered into life. World news, national news, regional news, news commentary programs, announcements, and news of cultural and art activities, discussion programs, children's programs, talk shows and folk songs mainly music programs of Turk direction of the main program the roof Radio in oluşturmaktadır.yö Radio in a separate There are lot. Traditional folk music and folk music on the radio in our contemporary interpretations are given at different times of the day also to other types of music besides a substantial weight sahiptir.Bu our music program.