Sep 25


By Admin | 2023-09-25 12:23:45



Music speaks where words can’t describe emotions and stories. It goes beyond time and space, and emotions swell with every note. Today’s music stands on the strong shoulders of the classical music. From heart-melting melodies to harmonies, it emphasizes the timeless and ageless quality of classical music that continues to captivate audiences across generations.

In this blog, App Radio FM will help you discover your classical music journey on podcasts and clear the common misconception that CLASSIC MUSIC IS DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND because this belief often discourages people from exploring classical music; many assume it is reserved for the musically trained or the intellectual elite.

What is Classic Music?

History of Classic Music

The Classical era is the shortest period in classical music, lasting from Johann Sebastian Bach's death in 1750 until around 1800. However, within this brief period, the symphony, string quartet, piano, and many of the genres in which music is now created were invented. This period's music is distinguished by its balance, structure, and clear melodies. Famous composers, including Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, and Franz Joseph Haydn, were born during the Classical period (1750-1820).

Differentiating classical music from other genres.

App Radio FM highlights the key characteristics that set classical music apart from other musical genres. 

  • Instrumentation and highlighting instrumental music.

  • Form and Structure

  • Absence of Lyrics

The rich diversity within classical music.

Classical music includes many musical forms and genres in various historical periods, i.e., Symphonies, concertos, and other forms of music. Each genre has its unique conventions and purpose. It is significant because it is not just confined to a single, specific culture. You can find it in various cultures and religions.

Getting Started with Classical Music?

Choosing the right podcast for listening

To start your classical music journey, this will be your first step. Choosing the right internet radio platform consist of some crucial choice to make. You need to choose a platform that provides dedicated classical music streaming services to its users with other multiple user-friendly features like curated playlists, detailed composer information, and high-quality audio. In such a big, saturated online market, finding these online radios can become hectic if the listener is new to this job. 

This is where App Radio FM helps its readers. Check out the list of Top five podcasts for your classical music journey that you need to listen to carefully generated by the team. These will not only make your trip wonderful but also memorable. 

List of top five Classical Music Podcasts.

A Thousand Pictures ... of Classical Music

Step into the mesmerizing world of classical music with "A Thousand Pictures ... of Classical Music." This podcast uncovers clear musical landscapes that transport you to different eras and emotions. Hosted by Australian Conductor Scott Wilson, it's an audio journey that unveils the stories, feelings, and secrets behind classical compositions, turning music into a thousand pictures in your mind.

Classical Guitar Insider

Discover the captivating world of classical guitar with "Classical Guitar Insider." Hosted by acclaimed classical guitarist Bret Williams, this podcast is a treasure trove of insights into the classical guitar scene. 

From interviews with world-renowned guitarists to discussions with journalists and musicians, it's your backstage pass to the secret world of classical guitar.

Classical 95.9-FM WCRI

Classical 95.9-FM WCRI is one of the perfect podcasts for your classical music journey that can fill your days with relaxing tones. This podcast is your ticket to a timeless classical music journey. 

You may get profound insights about symphonies, concertos, and more with a diverse range of classical music and expert commentary.

Classical Stuff You Should Know

"Classical Stuff You Should Know": This podcast is where Classical music meets education. Join hosts A.J., Graeme, and Thomas if you enjoy exploring classical topics that blend history, culture, and humor. You can unearth the unexpected stories of classical composers to solve the mysteries of musical notation; this podcast makes learning classical music an entertaining adventure.

Classical Music Festivals: Cortland, NY USA

Dive into the world of classical music festivals by listening to this podcast on the thriving scene in Cortland, New York, USA. Whether you're a regular podcast listener or a first-time attendee, this podcast provides an inside look at the thrilling performances, renowned musicians, and joyful ambiance of classical music festivals.

Building your classical music library.

After you are done with choosing the preferred platform, you need to build your classical music library on a priority basis. You can start by exploring famous composers such as Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, and Tchaikovsky.

As mentioned, many platforms provide curated playlists that help you find various composers and classical music styles from different eras. Discovering new classical music treasures throughout your journey can be super helpful. You can also collect your music based on various themes, i.e., relaxation, romantic, holiday favorites, etc.

Starting with beginner-friendly pieces and composers.

To understand classical music, you can begin your classical music adventure with well-known and treasured compositions such as Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata," Mozart's "Eine kleine Nachtmusik," or Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons." Mozart and Johann Strauss II are two composers known for their approachable tunes. 

Improve your comprehension by watching documentaries, listening to podcasts, and reading introductory books that dive into composers' lives and works, bringing depth to your enjoyment. Furthermore, internet guides and articles provide specialized recommendations for discovering classical music that matches your tastes, assuring a gratifying and delightful encounter.

Exploring Different Eras and Styles.

Baroque: The era of complex melodies (1600 to 1750)

Baroque music is known for its use of two or more related melodic parts sounding together, where multiple independent melodic lines intertwine to create rich harmonies. It was a time when music exuded complexity and sophistication, making it a fascinating era to explore within classical music. 

Classical: Elegant and balanced compositions (1750 to 1820)

Classical music is known for its well-structured music forms, straightforward melodies, and emphasis on balance between different musical elements. The period from 1750 to 1820 is particularly elegant and is regarded as some of the most approachable classical music, making it an ideal introduction for beginners.

Romantic: Emotional and expressive music. (19th Century)

Beautiful tunes and melodies define romantic music and focus on personal independent expressions. This era's music is noted for its capacity to connect profoundly with listeners and may be highly emotional. This era's music is recorded for its ability to connect deeply with listeners and may be highly touching. 

Modern and Contemporary: Breaking boundaries (Late 19th Century - present)

The Modern time in classical music extends from the late nineteenth Century to the present day, and an innovative and boundary-pushing attitude defines it. This period covers various styles, from modern creative pieces to cinema soundtracks, electronic music, and minimalism.


With this guide, you will find endless joys and benefits waiting to be uncovered throughout your classical music journey. Classical music can soothe your soul, spark your imagination, and touch your heart in ways words can't. Start your classical music adventure today with the top five podcasts streaming classical music.