Oasis FM - 102.1 FM

Radio Information
Genres:Spanish Talk,Culture,Health,Home & Life
Location:Santiago de Chile, Santiago Chile
Short URL of Page:http://rdo.fm/r/mqmam
Frequency:102.1 FM
Type:Internet, FM
Description:The new proposal of Radio Oasis offers a unique inspiring frequency in programming and musical mood, aimed at those who seek to enjoy life. In 102.1 men and women from 35 to 59 years of age will always find a good topic, not only music with a hand-selected catalog of the best music of the last 40 years, but also editorial, with all the contents that have to be see with your interests and passions, with your Oasis of good living: news, film, theater, literature, art, travel, gastronomy, trends and quality of life. It's Oasis. Live today.