Rádio Rural-87.5 FM

Radio Information
Genres:Sertanejo Pop,Community
Location:Sao Paulo, Acre Brazil
Short URL of Page:http://rdo.fm/r/mrt4k
Frequency:87.5 FM
Type:Internet, FM
Description:DI CAMARGO, a trader of humble origin, the son of a miner, born in this city, always liked communication. Since the days of SYDNEI SOOM (80's), it was already livening up parties in the rural neighborhoods of Piedade. In the late 1980s, he acquired from the radio station Nhonhozinho the Alto Falante Service that existed in the Piedade Municipal Market, however, the service remained for a short time. Some time later (decade of 90), it acquired equipment of sonorization for shows and parties. At the end of the 1990s, he began his experience in Radio, with a program on Saturdays and Sundays in the morning at RÁDIO CACIQUE AM, from the same group of CACIQUE II FM, in the municipality of Sorocaba.