Radio Nativa FM (Catanduva)- 89.7 FM

Radio Information
Genres:Brazilian Popular,Sertanejo Pop
Location:Catanduva, SP, São Paulo Brazil
Short URL of Page:
Frequency:89.7 FM
Type:Internet, FM
Description: With an innovative communication format, many promotions, highly successful events, commitment of all its staff and mainly the satisfaction of our listeners, NATIVA FM arrived in Catanduva and region on August 10, 2009. With the characteristic of a true friend , Native FM is a companion to its listeners in their daily routine. With a simple language, accessible and understood by all, Nativa is a family-made radio. Popular as a show of great stars, and with the affection you deserve. The best of sertaneja music, of the romantic music and the batitud that stirs the galley.